Unemployment benefit may be low, and many aren’t entitled to anything, but if you have been earning 40k would you want to take on a job paying less than 15k?
So people will turn it down, especially in the first 2-3 months of being unemployed in the hope they get something better. And, as we all know, finding a job can be a full-time job and when we start a new job it can take up so much of our energy.
But we need to think about what a recruiter or employer will think if we have been out of work for 6 months and longer. That’s why I recommend taking on voluntary work or using the time to learn and develop new skills. Then to include this on your CV so you don’t have a huge gap, show how you are using the time to benefit yourself.
I also urge people to think carefully about taking several steps back from their last job, it might be helpful to have a job (and there’s more to a job than money) but it can make it harder to get a job back on the level you were at before.
Decisions, it can be hard to know what to do. That’s why people use a career coach to help them make a well-considered decision.
Let me know if I can be of help.