Early May, about 4 months before I reach my 66th birthday I received a letter, inviting me to claim for my state pension. I got a unique invite code and the link to register. It was quite straightforward, and the letter had told me I would need the date of my divorce so I had that ready. Within a few days I got confirmation that I would receive £810.28 every 4 weeks and would get £86.32 for 3 days on the 31 August and payments 4 weekly from then.
Many years ago, I was a Post office counter clerk. Thursday was the busiest pension day and people would bring their books and I’d exchange a voucher for cash. Memories!
This got me thinking of my bus pass. I looked this up and in Gloucestershire I can’t apply until a month before my birthday. It strikes me as unfair to wait so long as if I lived in London, I could get it at 60. I have been getting free prescriptions since I was 60. I also get senior citizen discount at my local garden centre and got 10% off at a hairdresser!
But looking at it this another way, it is anothe rmilestone, a transition to another stage in life. And I’ll be closer to age 70.
I spent my 65th birthday alone in my wood. This year I want to celebrate with friends. It still feels a bit strange to feel that some could call me a pensioner, although they could already … I’ve had my occupaitonal pension since 60. But this is not a label I’m going to take on board. I’m still me – author, adventurer, vision quest guide and elder. Aiming to be the wise older person.
Any thoughts or comments on reaching pension age yourself? I’d love to hear.