Getting your state pension

Getting your state pension

Early May, about 4 months before I reach my 66th birthday I received a letter, inviting me to claim for my state pension. I got a unique invite code and the link to register. It was quite straightforward, and the letter had told me I would need the date of my divorce...
Check your state pension forecast

Check your state pension forecast

Much attention on retirement planning concerns money, and as we get closer to a typical retirement age it is harder to add to our pension pot. So we continue in work, which is good for our mental health and bank balance but may mean we can’t have the retirement that...
Save or spend when you are 60 plus?

Save or spend when you are 60 plus?

Should we save or spend? How much money will we need for a comfortable retirement? I’ve just turned 60 and a couple of years ago I would now have my state pension. But with changes to the state retirement age, I won’t now receive it till I’m 66. If I had stayed...