Loving Life At 50+. Let's love life.
70+ with so much more to do.

You want the best from your life. Whether you want ideas for a new career
or want to focus on your wider life you’re welcome here.

Loving Life At 50+. Let's love life.
60 and ready for new

The best is still to come. Whether you want ideas for a new career or want to
focus on your wider life you’re welcome here.

Loving Life At 50+. Let's love life.
Are you 50 and in your prime?

The best is still to come. Whether you want ideas for a new career or want to
focus on your wider life you’re welcome here.


For A New Career or Want to Focus on Your Wider Life, Welcome.

You love life and believe the best is yet to come.
You are open to new ideas and exploring the
world out there, and you within. You still want to
make a difference. The possibility of someone
believing that you can do it, and to support you
with your quest gets you energised!

Work focus

I want to inspire you and provide practical advice. It could be work related, you want to move to a job you love, or want to get any job, you need the money! You may be planning a conventional retirement with a clean break to life after work.

Wider Life

Or you may want to focus on what’s important to you – looking at your health and relationships, developing new interests, or longer-term personal development. You could see 50, or 60, or 70, on the horizon and want to adjust your life so you move on, on your terms.

Step 1: Sign up

You may want to work to achieve a goal, get inspired to challenge yourself to do something new or maybe to find more time to just be – sign up and receive my newsletter full of helpful tips and ideas. This will be a great first step.

For your second step, you could choose to work with me, you know you can make better progress with professional support. Don’t wish things were different. We are where we are – let’s live a life without regret. We can’t change the past, but we can create a fabulous future.

Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming – Wow! What a Ride!
Hunter S. Thompson



If you want to change jobs or return to work you’ll find articles of interest here. We’ll also consider creating a side business or other ways for income generation.

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Health & Wellbeing

Let’s consider how to maintain and improve our health. But let’s also focus on wider wellbeing – the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy.

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Do you love to learn new things? Now it can be a good time to try something new. I’m going to share ideas and get you thinking, let’s see what works for you.

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You want to learn more about the person you are, how to best make an impact, and live a life in line with your values.

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You want to retire on your terms, let me share relevant articles to help with your personal planning,

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We can move into the age of wisdom. I’ll inspire you with thought provoking articles here.

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Let’s start to get to know each other.

I’d love to send you a series of articles to get you thinking of your wider life. You will also receive my mid-week 50+ update and the Amazing People newsletter.
Denise Taylor

Chief Inspiration Officer, The 50 Plus Coach.