13th July
I’ve got my mum staying with me for a few days. She lives quite close to Jodrell Bank, where we were over the weekend for the festival. It used to be a very challenging experience. I was busy working and my mum would drift into my office. Most of my clients used to come to the house and shed come into the kitchen while I was making them a drink and introduce herself. I’d get tense, speak sharply to her, and upset her and then have to resolve this. But it’s much easier now. Partly as my husband is retired and can spend more time with her – take her shopping and for lunch or sit in the garden with her. She also keeps out of my office. But I’m also older and more forgiving, plus I don’t want to work 18/7 which is what I used to do – sleep and work.
Yesterday we spent the day on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway where my husband is a volunteer ticket inspector. It was a lovely day, we travelled on 2 trains and had lunch at Winchcombe Station and saw Simon at work. It’s good to create memories, and whilst my mum can’t walk long distances anymore, she still has all her wits about her.
I’ve not always been close to my mum, I think many times we can drift apart when we marry, especially when you marry as young as I was 19 and 3 weeks! But we are close now.
14 July
I took my mum to see Baby Driver at the cinema. This is not the sort of film she would normally choose, but I wanted to take her outside of her comfort zone. It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut and to think that some films are not for people like us, but mum liked the music and found it quite fun, and she may well choose something a bit different the next time that she goes to the cinema on her own. But it can also work the other way too. I’ve seen a lot of Shakespeare’s plays, we even had season tickets to go The Globe in London but haven’t seen any Shakespeare plays for a few years. I’ve realised I was going to see these plays because I thought I should and I’m happier in the relaxed atmosphere of the cinema. Might be low brow but I don’t feel like I need to create a good impression of my tastes!
1 August
Whilst I go to the gym several times a week, I think it’s much better to get out in the fresh air. This morning I took a break and walked up Bredon Hill – TIME: 1 hour 40; MILES 4.24; STEPS 9,995; STAIRS 75 flights; CALORIES 734. It was such a nice thing to do – great views, and walking with a purpose, not on a treadmill in the gym.
I just want to take a moment and to reflect on this diary. Back in January I had intended to write something profound each day, but I think that was too much of a challenge. I often think it’s the more day-to-day that’s an interesting read, so I’d love to know what you think of these entries. Of course, with my birthday coming up on 29 August I can start a fresh and diary on my year from 60, and probably a weekly update could be the way to go. What do you think?