The 50Plus Coach now has a company page on LinkedIn.
I have a LinkedIn profile which includes my summary. I also include detail on my career history. If you, like me, are moving to more than one ‘job’ you don’t need to cram everything into one section under experience. You can break things down. I already have separate entries for some consultancy I do. I also set up a separate entry for my career school. This past week I’ve now set up one for the work I do with people of 50+ – I have a new company page – The 50Plus Coach
I also needed to enter a career title for my work as the 50Plus Coach. I know that many new career titles are in use – like Chief Happiness Officer. As so many people tell me I’m an inspiration I had a great idea – I’ll be the Chief Inspiration Officer.
I love this title, it really sums up what I want to do. Yes, to provide practical advice when needed but also to provide inspiration both through the stories I share but also when I work 121 with people.
I’m sharing this so you can see what I’ve included. You could also choose to follow The 50PLUS COACH on LinkedIn
Company details – The 50Plus Coach
At 50+ you still have so much more to do, in your career and wider life. But sometimes other people try and stop you.
May feel you are too old to change careers
Don’t get the promotion because you haven’t kept your knowledge up to date
Are still using the method that got you a job in the past, and realise it no longer works
Realise now is the time to focus on your health and well being
Want to start ticking things off your bucket list, and need a nudge to create it
Feel stuck in the middle. Your children still need you and now your parents need support too.
I work with clients of all ages but love my 50+ clients. You want to make a change and it’s not easy to do it alone.
You may need knowledge (I keep up to date with all things careers/technology to share with clients). You may also need some inner belief that YES YOU CAN. Negative thinking can get in the way and stop us doing what we could do.
Positive role models help, and I can be one of them.
If you want support to move into the future and its PRETIREMENT not retirement now get in touch
CONTACT ME NOW: | 07931 303367 |
I can help with a 21st century approach to PRE-RETIREMENT SEMINARS
121 EXECUTIVE COACHING with your senior executives. Let’s help your strategic planning by understanding the transition plans of key players and get the knowledge transfer started. This keeps your younger staff with you as they can see their progression.
MID-CAREER REVIEWS. From 40 onwards everyone should have the opportunity to review their career. This can lead to re-energised and more productive staff members.