I’ve just come across this project – Remarkable Lives: Untold Stories & Voices of Later Life.
It’s aim is celebrating the remarkable lives of older people with photographs and stories, capturing hidden memories, discovering unheard voices.
From the website:
Remarkable Lives is a project that serves older people and puts them first, helping to change society’s perceptions of later life. Through the powerful medium of photographic storytelling, I hope to offer a refreshing perspective of their lives, rolling back the years to celebrate their most memorable moments as seen through their eyes, told in their own words, remembered through their old photographs.
This is a Kickstarter project, and won’t go ahead unless the 15,000 target is reached. So do read more here
I’ve got this as a reminder as unsure which to choose. I’m considering
- The Remarkable Bundle – 40 or
- The Remarkable Experience, where Owen would also go and interview my mum. I know I could do something similar but I’m thinking about the experience for her.