It’s time for my midweek message, sent to share what I’ve been doing over the past week.
I’m now an active user in Twitter. I’d love you to follow me. I’m making sure I only share things of relevance to people like us, with interesting articles and a few fun things too.
Latest blog posts
I’ve written 2 blog posts this week, including creating the third Kitchen Conversation.
This is less than usual as I’ve devoted much time to creating a Pre-Retirement Seminar. The morning was focused on finances, and I led the afternoon session on lifestyle issues. I may run a webinar on this so let me know if it interests you.
Over the last 7 days I’ve posted:
10 May – Imagine the Future Kitchen Conversation 3
Please watch the video, I gave much thought to creating this and I’m sure you will find it interesting and worth following.
8 May – Hula hooping at 64 a great way to keep fit and have fun
And if you are a new subscriber you can read my earlier newsletters here: and visit the blog for earlier posts.
I truly appreciate you signing up and trust this is of interest. Anything you want to ask or share, feel free to comment on my blog or email me.
With kind regards, Denise x
p.s As a subscriber you will also get my weekly Amazing People newsletter. This comes out on a Saturday, but look out for a special message on Thursday.