I’ll be 62 late August, and still have lots of energy, and enthusiasm for life. I’m only just beginning! My life so far has brought me to where I am today.
Never think you are too old; there are plenty of inspirational people out there. Yesterday I saw an article in The Washington Post
Some women are late bloomers, it could be that they were trailing spouses or focused on domestic duties.
- Suzanne Watson, 57 – became a doctor 25 years after being accepted to medical school
- Patricia Forehand, 57 – retired educator turned comedian
- Vi Lyes, 68 – entered politics
- Betty La Vette, 73 – took decades to hit it big as a singer
- Sany Warshaw, 85 – chose to live as an openly gay woman after telling her family at 60
- Iris Gomez, 63 – lawyer turned novelist
- Ginny Donohue, 71 – left corporate finance to start a shoestring non-profit
- Ernest Shepherd, 82 – champion body builder, started working with a trainer at age 71
There are detailed stories within the article, but there are many more inspiring stories. Women who return to study in the 40s and beyond. Women who find their passion and plan to follow it …
Read the article here: www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/lifestyle/women-over-50/?utm_term=.fa362a94adde
And does this inspire you? Think about your dream, and if that’s not the life you’re living, what steps are you taking to change it?