How to dress at 50+
It was easy for our parents – once they married they switched into ‘mature clothes’ and age a bit more and it was sensible slacks and lots of beige.
Move forward and many continued to dress as they had in the past, and to swap clothes with their adult children. Nothing wrong with that, but I’ve often had the fear of ‘mutton dressed as lamb’. Is this how to dress at 50+
Just a few years ago, at my slimmest, I looked very young from the back. At a festival had a young group of men rush past me, grab my hat, expect me to follow and then they turned – they weren’t expecting someone of my age. I was at a festival – jeans and a sweatshirt and returned my hat with a comment about how good I looked.
I’m a couple of stone heavier, as I write this article, and currently my clothes are limited, I just can’t fit in some of them. But what if I never lost the weight? It doesn’t mean I can’t have style. I want to know how to dress at 50+
I’m rethinking my wardrobe – thinking about the clothes I really want to wear. I love bright colours – fuchsias/ turquoise/ bright greens and yellows.
A couple of years ago I bought my mum – Advanced Style and a follow up book: Advanced Style Older and Wiser is now on sale – you can see some of the images from the book via this link:
It’s worth looking at books like this for inspiration on how to dress at 50+ but some of them look too styled, and people will comment that most people look like models. But I think we can take this as inspiration. I don’t want to get done for copyright issues, but from this link you can get inspiration on how to dress at 50+
I’d love to know more about your style of dressing now you are 50+ are you taking bolder action or stuck in a rut. Do you make an effort to be styled as you go out or dress more for comfort?
For me it’s both, and probably the same for you. A few years back I got very much to dressing as if I was in the 1950s – full skirted vintage inspired dresses with petticoats, and I had to do my makeup to look good with that look. I’ve moved on from this (partly because it’s too tight a squeeze to get into most of these dresses) but also because I don’t want to look like I’ve stepped out of a magazine from 1955. I want a more eclectic look, and I’m working on this. I’ll give you an update later on how I’m addressing the question how to dress at 50+.