Life in balance at 60

Life in balance at 60

Life in balance at 60+ starts in our 50s. We read that 60 is the new 50, and in some ways, I agree, many of us maintain an active lifestyle and an interest in how we look that wasn’t as commonplace 50 or more years ago. Partly as people had harder lives, working both...
Retirement Phases

Retirement Phases

The New Retirement Mindscape I love collecting articles, I have hundreds related to retirement / post 60 living and I’m reviewing them all. It’s fascinating, many publications that influence my thinking. Some are academic, others very popular. One is from Ameriprise...
Getting ready for retirement

Getting ready for retirement

Getting ready for retirement I’d like to talk about retirement, some people have no choice but to carry on working beyond 60 or 65 but will it be the same work that they did before? How will you be Getting ready for retirement? I’m working with one client; lets’ call...